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Maverick Applications

The idea behind the apps

Our team is in the process of developing several applications designed to inspire developers with creative ideas and introduce them to the Maverick HUD experience.

These applications are fully functional, and in addition to their intended use case, they were created to help developers in the creation of their own Maverick-supported applications using the Maverick Developer Edition kit.

Some of the Maverick applications have already been released, while others are currently in active development and will be released when they are ready.

Our apps

The following table summarizes our near-term plan for our Maverick applications:

App Description Download Resources\Release Info
Fitness Fitness App for Cycling & Running iOS / Android Maverick-Manual, iOS-Manual, Android-Manual
Translate Real Time HUD Translation iOS / Android iOS-Manual, Android-Manual
Arcade HUD Arcade LOS Games iOS / Android iOS-Manual, Android-Manual
Walker Urban Navigation iOS / Android iOS-Manual, Android-Manual
My Glasses AI and Information on the go Android Android only

Are you ready for your first app? Start here

Need more information? Read our Development Resources page


The Everysight Team