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Line of Sight (Beta)


The Maverick SDK Line of Sight (LOS) API allows you to create UI for AR environment, by supplying infrastructure of AR elements, AR containers and supporting APIs.


Since the Maverick Glasses do not contain a GPU, the SDK emulates 3D graphics using 2D rendering. Therefore, rendering in the 3D space is limited in terms of the number of elements and vertices, and should be handled carefully to ensure good performance.

AR Elements

The IArElement is the interface for any AR item that need to be rendered on the glasses display, in the 3D space.

The SDK provide various types of containers and elements to make it easy to draw LOS oriented content on the glasses display:

Name Description
ArWindow A UIElementsGroup that can be pinned in the 3D space and contains 2D elements from the UI Kit
ArModel Simplified version of "Mesh", which supports limited number of vertices


The AR elements can be added to the ArScreen, to be rendered on the glasses display.

As in the regular Screen, each rendering cycle, the SDK generates a compressed data stream from the topmost Viewport and sends it to the glasses for rendering.

Learn about the Coordinate Systems