
This class acts as a virtual drawing canvas to be drawn and send to the glasses.

Each Screen and its UIElement stack uses the canvas as their drawing surface.

The SDK, when required, will send the canvas drawing commands the glasses


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open fun clear()

Clear the canvas from all the drawing commands

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fun clearRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Boolean

Clear command, to clear the given square from the display buffer

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Sets Clipping area to the given bb

fun clip(uiElement: UIElement): Boolean

Sets Clipping area to the UIElement bounding box

open fun clip(topLeftX: Float, topLeftY: Float, bottomRightX: Float, bottomRightY: Float): Boolean

Sets Clipping area to x,y ->x+width,y+height

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fun copyToScreen(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Boolean

Copy command, to copy the given square to the display buffer

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fun drawArc(uiElement: UIElement, x: Float, y: Float, radius: Float, degreesFrom: Float, degreesTo: Float): Boolean

Draw arc command, to draw an arc on the glasses display

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fun drawEllipse(uiElement: UIElement, centerX: Float, centerY: Float, rx: Float, ry: Float, style: FillStyle, angle: Float): Boolean

Draw ellipse command, to draw an ellipse on the glasses display

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fun drawImage(uiElement: UIElement, image: ImgSrc, x: Float, y: Float): Boolean

Instruct the SDK to draw on the glasses a preloaded image

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fun drawLine(uiElement: UIElement, x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float): Boolean

Draw line command, to draw a line on the glasses display

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fun drawPath(uiElement: UIElement, xyPoints: FloatArray, size: Int, stride: Int = 2): Boolean

Draw path command, to draw a path on the glasses display

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fun drawPolygon(uiElement: UIElement, xyPoints: FloatArray, size: Int, style: FillStyle, convex: Boolean, offset: Int = 0, stride: Int = 2): Boolean

Draw a polygon command, to draw a polygon on the glasses display

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fun drawPolygonEx(uiElement: UIElement, xyPoints: FloatArray, size: Int, xShiftPix: Float, yShiftPix: Float, style: FillStyle, convex: Boolean, offset: Int = 0, stride: Int = 2): Boolean

Draw a polygon command, to draw a polygon on the glasses display

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fun drawRect(uiElement: UIElement, x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float, radius: Float = 0.0f, style: FillStyle = FillStyle.fill): Boolean

Draw rect command, to draw a rectangle on the glasses display

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fun drawText(uiElement: UIElement, font: Font, x: Float, y: Float, textBytes: ByteArray, alignment: Align = Align.left): Boolean
fun drawText(uiElement: UIElement, font: Font, x: Float, y: Float, text: String, alignment: Align = Align.left): Boolean

Instruct the SDK to draw on the glasses a text.

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fun getColor(): Int

Returns the current canvas pen color

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Returns the current canvas pen size

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protected fun roundCoord(v: Float): Int
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fun setColor(rgba: Int): Boolean

set the pen color of the canvas

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fun setLineStyle(lineStyle: LineStyle): Boolean

set the line style of the canvas

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set the pen shape of the canvas

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fun setPenThickness(thicknessPixels: Int): Boolean

set the pen thickness of the canvas