Bounding Box
data class BoundingBox(var topLeftX: Float = 0.0f, var topLeftY: Float = 0.0f, var bottomRightX: Float = 0.0f, var bottomRightY: Float = 0.0f)
Bounding box helper class for handling bounding box operations
top Left X
the top left x coordinate
top Left Y
the top left y coordinate
bottom Right X
the bottom right x coordinate
bottom Right Y
the bottom right y coordinate
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Clone the bounding box
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Set the bounding box to match other
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Expand the bounding box up-to the other bounding box limits
fun expandUpTo(minX: Float, minY: Float, maxX: Float, maxY: Float, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox
Expand the bounding box up-to the given parameters bounding box limits
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Union the bounding box with the given one