
data class BoundingBox(var topLeftX: Float = 0.0f, var topLeftY: Float = 0.0f, var bottomRightX: Float = 0.0f, var bottomRightY: Float = 0.0f)

Bounding box helper class for handling bounding box operations



the top left x coordinate


the top left y coordinate


the bottom right x coordinate


the bottom right y coordinate


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constructor(topLeftX: Float = 0.0f, topLeftY: Float = 0.0f, bottomRightX: Float = 0.0f, bottomRightY: Float = 0.0f)


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Clone the bounding box

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fun copyFrom(other: BoundingBox)

Set the bounding box to match other

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun expandBy(pixels: Float, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox

Expand all coordinates with pixels pixels

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fun expandUpTo(other: BoundingBox, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox

Expand the bounding box up-to the other bounding box limits

fun expandUpTo(minX: Float, minY: Float, maxX: Float, maxY: Float, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox

Expand the bounding box up-to the given parameters bounding box limits

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fun height(): Float

Return the bounding box height

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fun intersect(other: BoundingBox, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox

Intersect the bounding box with the given one

fun intersect(topLeftX: Float, topLeftY: Float, bottomRightX: Float, bottomRightY: Float, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox

Intersect the bounding box with the given parameters

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inline fun isEmpty(): Boolean

Return true if the width or height are zero

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Returns true if the bounding box contains x,y

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Returns true if the bounding box intersects other

fun isIntersecting(topLeftX: Float, topLeftY: Float, bottomRightX: Float, bottomRightY: Float): Boolean

Returns true if the bounding box intersects with the given parameters

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fun isSameAs(topLeftX: Float, topLeftY: Float, bottomRightX: Float, bottomRightY: Float): Boolean
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inline fun isValid(): Boolean

Return true if width and height are positive

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inline fun setEmpty()

Set all coordinated to zero

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open override fun toString(): String
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fun union(other: BoundingBox, clone: Boolean = false): BoundingBox

Union the bounding box with the given one

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fun width(): Float

Return the bounding box width