The Screen class represents a screen to be displayed on the glasses.
This is the main entry point within the SDK to create and send visual data to the glasses display.
You should inherit from this class in order to create application screens to be displayed on the glasses (similar to IOS viewController or Android Activity)
The Screen lifecycle is as follows:
-- onResume
----- onUpdateUI
----- (here the screen is actually drawn and sent to the glasses)
-- onPause
Close the current popup message if shown
returns a ui element that was added to the screen
Receive the ui elements that were added to the screen
Indicates if the screen has ui elements
Return the current displayed popup message or null if not exist
Override this function to be notified when the message that was requested to be shown via showPopup was removed
Removes the Screen from the screens stack.
Set the UIElement to be the last element
Set the UIElement to be the topmost element in the screen
Shows the given ui Element on the screen for a predefined time timeoutMs