
The Screen class represents a screen to be displayed on the glasses.

This is the main entry point within the SDK to create and send visual data to the glasses display.

You should inherit from this class in order to create application screens to be displayed on the glasses (similar to iOS viewController or Android Activity)

The Screen lifecycle is as follows:



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constructor(screenWidth: Float, screenHeight: Float)
constructor(name: String)
constructor(name: String, screenWidth: Float, screenHeight: Float)


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Screen render rate enumerator. Used to define the screen required render rate


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fun add(uiElement: UIElement)

Add a ui element to the screen

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fun addAll(uiElements: List<UIElement>)

Add a list of UIElements to the screen

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fun clip(shouldClip: Boolean)

Clip the Screen rendering to its boundaries

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Close the current popup message if shown

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returns a ui element that was added to the screen

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Receive the ui elements that were added to the screen

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Indicates if the screen has ui elements

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Receive the screen rendering area height. The height is depends on the glasses hardware and is available ONLY after the connection was established.

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fun getId(): Int

Get the screen id (auto generated)

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Get the name

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Return the current displayed popup message or null if not exist

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Receive the screen rendering area width. The width is depends on the glasses hardware and is available ONLY after the connection was established.

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Indicates if the screen is paused

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Indicates if the screen is resumed

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protected open fun onCreate()

Override this function to be notified when the screen is created

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protected open fun onDestroy()

Override this function to be notified when the screen is destroyed

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protected open fun onPause()

Override this function to be notified when the screen is paused

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protected open fun onPopupClosed(message: PopupMessage)

Override this function to be notified when the message that was requested to be shown via showPopup was removed

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protected open fun onResourcesUploadEnd()

Override this function to be notified when the resources upload batch process was ended

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protected open fun onResourceUploadResult(resource: UIResource)

Override this function to be notified about a single resource upload result The function is called when the resource was uploaded successfully or the upload was failed

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protected open fun onResume()

Override this function to be notified when the screen is resumed

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protected open fun onTouch(touch: TouchDirection)

Override this function to be notified about the glasses touch gestures

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protected open fun onUpdateUI(timestampMs: Long)

Override this function to be notified when the screen is about to be drawn

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fun remove(uiElement: UIElement)

Remove a ui element from the screen

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fun removeAll()

Remove all ui elements from the screen

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This function starts uploading the resources to the glasses. Usually this function should be called within the onCreate or the onResume functions, as part of the screen UI preparations

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fun sendToBack(uiElement: UIElement)

Set the UIElement to be the last element

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set the screen render rate

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fun setTopmost(uiElement: UIElement)

Set the UIElement to be the topmost element in the screen

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Shows the given ui Element on the screen for a predefined time timeoutMs

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open override fun toString(): String

returns a string with the screen name & id

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Indicates if the screen was created