
open class ImgSrc : UIResource

A ImgSrc class used to define an image for the UIKit.widgets.Image UI element

Each image is defined by an image slot which you can upload PNG/JPG images

All slots except Slot.s0 are persistent, meaning uploaded images for those slots are kept saved on the glasses between reboots

NOTE: The behaviour of adding 2 (or more) different UIKit.widgets.Image with the same slot to the same screen is undefined

See also



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constructor(nameWithExtension: String, slot: ImgSrc.Slot)

Constrictor receiving image name and a slot

constructor(data: ByteArray, iType: ImageType, slot: ImgSrc.Slot, width: Int, height: Int)

Constrictor receiving image binary data


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Image slots to be uploaded and used


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun getMaxSizeBytes(): Int

Returns the maximum size allowed for the UIResource in bytes

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open override fun getResourceName(): String

Returns the resource name that was set or empty string if not set

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun loadResource(): Boolean

Pre-Load the resource binary data from the application resources

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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun wasConfigured(): Boolean

Return true if the resource information is valid and sufficient for upload


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The height of the image pixels, available only after calling loadResource

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The width of the image pixels, available only after calling loadResource

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