
This function starts uploading the resources to the glasses. Usually this function should be called within the onCreate or the onResume functions, as part of the screen UI preparations

This function will try to upload all the given resources to the glasses

After each resource upload (or upload fail) the onResourceUploadResult function will be called

When the uploading process is completed the onResourcesUploadEnd function will be called to the topmost screen

Note1: The onResourcesUploadEnd might be called on a screen which is not the one that initiated the [onResourceUploadResult]. If such case exist, you may check the isDuringResourceUpload when the screen is resuming

Note2: When requesting to upload two resources of the same type to the same slot - the last one will be the one that will be uploaded


true when the resources list has relevant resources to be uploaded



the resources list to be uploaded (failed or already uploaded resources will be ignored)