
abstract class UIResource

Base class for glasses uploadable resources

See also



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Get the upload Fail Reason (should be used for debugging only)

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Find out if the resource upload to the glasses was failed

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abstract fun getMaxSizeBytes(): Int

Returns the maximum size allowed for the UIResource in bytes

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abstract fun getResourceName(): String

Returns the resource name that was set or empty string if not set

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abstract fun loadResource(): Boolean

Pre-Load the resource binary data from the application resources

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fun retryUpload(screen: Screen)

The method instructs the SDK to retry and upload a failed UIResource, for example, when a packet loss occurs.

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protected fun setResourceData(data: ByteArray?, resourceType: Int, resourceSlotNumber: Int)
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abstract fun wasConfigured(): Boolean

Return true if the resource information is valid and sufficient for upload

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Return true if the resource information was loaded successfully via loadResource

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Find out if the resource was already uploaded to the glasses