
open class Path : UIElement

Draws A path

Path is a set of line series

Maximum sequential points per path is: getSequentialPathMaxPoints

Path support lineTo and moveTo to create gaps within its drawing

For simple polyline use Polyline

Supported transformations: Scale, Rotate, Translate


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constructor(id: String)


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fun addPoint(x: Float, y: Float): Path

Adds a point to the path (same as lineTo)

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fun clear(): Path

Remove all points from the ui elements

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fun close(): Path

Closed the last line series to a closed polygon

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Get the number of points were added to the ui element

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Returns the maximum supported points per sequential path (currently 60)

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fun lineTo(x: Float, y: Float): Path

Adds a line to the last series from the last add point to [x,y] If it is a the first point, it will becomes the Path starting point

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fun moveTo(x: Float, y: Float): Path

Create a new line series starting at [x,y]

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protected open override fun onDraw(canvas: CanvasBuffer)

The draw method is called to actually draw the ui element visual representation to the CanvasBuffer

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fun setPath(xys: FloatArray, ys: FloatArray, size: Int, clonePoints: Boolean = true): Path

Add a series point to the ui element