Get the angle from that was defined in setArcInfo
Get the angle to that was defined in setArcInfo
Get the center x that was defined in setArcInfo
Get the center y that was defined in setArcInfo
Get the drawing direction of the arc
Get the radius that was defined in setArcInfo
Hide the end edge line with the given color
Hide the start edge line with the given color
Returns true if the angleDeg is between the getAngleFromDeg and the getAngleToDeg, exclusive
Returns true if the angleDeg is between the getAngleFromDeg and the getAngleToDeg, inclusive
The draw method is called to actually draw the ui element visual representation to the CanvasBuffer
Set the background color of the ui element
Set the drawing direction of the arc
Show the end edge line with the given color
Show the start edge line with the given color