
Interface defines the glasses sensors service

The service handles the various sensors exists on the glasses

see SensorRate for more information


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abstract fun disableInertialSensors()

Disable all active inertial sensors and sensors fusion

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abstract fun enableAccelerometer(rate: SensorRate)

Enable the glasses accelerometer sensor

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abstract fun enableAmbient(enable: Boolean)

Enable\disable the glasses ambient sensor

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abstract fun enableGyro(rate: SensorRate)

Enable the glasses gyro sensor

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abstract fun enableMagneticDeclinationCorrection(lat: Float, lon: Float, alt: Float)

Enable magnetic declination correction for the given location

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abstract fun enableMagnetometer(rate: SensorRate)

Enable the glasses magnetometer sensor

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abstract fun enableSensorsFusion(rate: SensorRate, usePredication: Boolean): Boolean

Enable sensor fusion

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abstract fun enableTouch(enable: Boolean)

Enable\disable the glasses touch sensor

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abstract fun isEnabled(sensor: SensorType): Boolean

Returns the SensorType enable state

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abstract fun isSupported(sensor: SensorType): Boolean

Returns true if the glasses firmware supports this sensor

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Receive the proximity state

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Register for inertial sensors callbacks

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Register for quaternions fused sensors callbacks

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Register for sensors callbacks

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Register for Yaw Pitch Roll sensors callbacks

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Unregister from inertial sensors callbacks

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Unregister from quaternions fused sensors callbacks

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Unregister from sensors callbacks

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Unregister from fused sensors callbacks