
Interface defines the glasses screens service

The service handles the information flow to be displayed on the glasses

The service manager Screen stack, where the topmost screen is the one displayed on the glasses

See also


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abstract fun addScreen(screen: Screen)

Adds a screen to the top of the screens stack

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Get the rendering border enforcement

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abstract fun getRenderingCenterX(): Float

Get the screen rendering center X in pixels

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abstract fun getRenderingCenterY(): Float

Get the screen rendering center Y in pixels

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abstract fun getTopmostScreen(): Screen

Receive the topmost screen that was added to the screens stack

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abstract fun removeScreen(screen: Screen)

Removes a screen from the screens stack

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abstract fun removeTopmostScreen(): Screen?

Removes the topmost screen if exist

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abstract fun setEnforceRenderingBorders(enforceBorders: Boolean)

Set the rendering border enforcement

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abstract fun setRenderingCenterX(centerX: Float)

Set the screen rendering center X in pixels

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abstract fun setRenderingCenterY(centerY: Float)

Set the screen rendering center Y in pixels