
Interface defines the glasses state service

The service handles the glasses current state


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abstract fun batteryLevel(): BatteryLevel

Returns the glasses battery level

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abstract fun batteryPercentage(): Int

Returns the current battery percentage

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Returns the ESTIMATED remaining operations time of the glasses, in minutes, before the glasses will turn off due to insufficient battery

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abstract fun frameSize(): FrameSize?

Returns the glasses frame size

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abstract fun fwVersion(): String

Returns the glasses firmware version

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abstract fun fwVersionN(): Int

Returns the glasses firmware version as a number

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abstract fun getGlassesName(): String?

Returns the glasses name

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abstract fun getSerialInfo(serial: String): String

Returns the serial textual representation

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abstract fun info(): String

Returns the glasses string description

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abstract fun isChargerConnected(): Boolean

Returns the charger plugin state

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Register for glasses events callbacks

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abstract fun serial(): String

Returns the glasses serial number

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abstract fun turnOff()

Powers off the glasses

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abstract fun type(): GlassesType?

Returns the glasses type

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Unregister from glasses events callbacks