
Auto brightness controller interface for controlling the auto brightness mechanism

The auto brightness controller manages the auto brightness functionality, with the help of the supplied IEvsAutoBrightnessProvider

The auto brightness controller can be accessed via the IEvsDisplayService.autoBrightness function

The controller will persist and restore its last enable state, when having a provider via setProvider


Auto brightness can be achieved also by directly registering the Ambient sensor (see IEvsSensorsEvents). Using both mechanisms in parallel wil result in unexpected behaviour

See also


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abstract fun addGain(deltaGain: Int)

Add deltaGain to the current gain

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abstract fun enable(isEnabled: Boolean): Boolean

Enables the auto brightness functionality

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abstract fun getGain(): Int

Returns the auto brightness gain 0-100 or -1 if no provider was set

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Get the Ambient sensors control state

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abstract fun hasProvider(): Boolean

Returns true if the auth brightness provider was set

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abstract fun isEnabled(): Boolean

Returns the current enable state

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Register for the auto brightness events

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abstract fun setGain(gain: Int)

Set the auto brightness gain 0-100

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abstract fun setIsAmbientSensorControl(control: Boolean)

When true (default) the controller will enable\disable the glassed ambient sensor according to its internal logic

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Unregister for the auto brightness events