
class BoundingSphere(val centerWorldPosition: FloatArray = FloatArray(3), radius: Float = 0.0f)

Represents a BoundingSphere in 3D space defined by a center position and radius.



The center position of the BoundingSphere in world coordinates.


The radius of the BoundingSphere.


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constructor(centerWorldPosition: FloatArray = FloatArray(3), radius: Float = 0.0f)


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The transformed center position of the BoundingSphere in world coordinates.

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The radius of the BoundingSphere.


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fun hitTest(quaternion: Quaternion): Boolean

Performs a hit test with the given quaternion and the BoundingSphere.

fun hitTest(originWorldPosition: FloatArray, destWorldPosition: FloatArray): Boolean

Performs a hit test between the BoundingSphere and the ray defined by the origin & destination points.

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fun isInside(worldPosition: FloatArray): Boolean

Returns true if the worldPosition is inside the BoundingSphere.

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Returns true if the BoundingSphere intersects other.