Ar Triangles
class ArTriangles(worldPointsReference: FloatArray, worldPointsIndices: IntArray, fillColor: Int = EvsColor.White.rgba, lineWidth: Float = 0.0f) : ArPrimitive
Class representing a set of triangles in 3D space.
See Also: ENU coordinates system.
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Constructor for creating ArTriangles without indices.
constructor(worldPointsReference: FloatArray, worldPointsIndices: IntArray, fillColor: Int = EvsColor.White.rgba, lineWidth: Float = 0.0f)
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Iterates over the indices of the world coordinate points array, executing the provided action for each index.
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Method to get the outline width of the triangles, if greater than 0, only the outline is drawn.
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Method to set the outline width of the triangles, if greater than 0, only the outline is drawn.