The Animator class is responsible for a UIElement animations
Each UIElement has a single UIElement.animator object that handles its animations
NOTE: upon animation end\cancel its state is reset
The SDK will do its best effort to perform animations as fast as possible, but the communication bandwidth and the amount of rendered elements may have an impact on the animation rendering performance
In addition, animation will not work properly when uploading assets to the glasses (like images and fonts)
It is recommended to read the SDK use guide for more information
Interface for receiving animation events
Helper function to estimate to animator translation x,y position at a certain percent
Receive the current rotation associated with the current animation progress getProgress
Receive the current scale x associated with the current animation progress getProgress
Receive the current scale y associated with the current animation progress getProgress
Receive the current x position associated with the current animation progress getProgress
Receive the current y position associated with the current animation progress getProgress
Receive the current animation progress 0,1
Returns true if the UIElement is blinking
Register for animation events.
Sets the target translation x and y animation values
Sets the target translation x and y animation values
Unregister from animation events.