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The SDK handles the display functionality via the IEvsDisplayService interface (received from the Evs.instance().display() method).

Display Size & Rendering Position

The glasses display resolution is 640x400 pixels.

To enable personal adjustment of the UI location on the display, the SDK supports a virtual rendering area.

The virtual rendering area is smaller than the physical display size, and can be defined by the developer, according to the application use-case and needs.

Adjusting the virtual screen position

When using the Screen, the SDK enables adjusting its position within the full display by calling:

val dx = 10f
val dy = -15f

Adjust Stock UI

To shorten your development cycle, the SDK comes with built-in UI for your application (currently only portrait is supported).

The open the personal adjust stock ui call:

Evs.instance().showUI(name: "adjust")

Auto Display Off

The glasses display will be automatically turned off in the following scenarios:

  • The charger is plugged in
  • The glasses are disconnected
  • The glasses are off the face
  • The power button was pressed when the display was on
  • After 2 minutes where both the application and the charger are connected
  • After 2 minutes when the application is not connected

The display is turned on when turning on the glasses.

The SDK won't turn on automatically the display (except when starting firmware update). It is the application responsibility to turn on the display when required via Evs.instance().display().turnDisplayOn()


Brightness can be controlled using a continues scale between 1 to 255, but it is recommended to use the discrete brightness controller that optimized the current brightness levels to the physical display:


Auto brightness Controller

The display service also exposes the auto brightness controller.

It easily enables controlling the auto brightness operation, like starting it and stopping it automatically if a manual setBrightness is called.

The controller must have a IEvsAutoBrightnessProvider (should be supplied by the application), for converting the ambient sensor lux values into screen brightness level

A default IEvsAutoBrightnessController implementation is provided by the SDK via AutoBrightnessGainController. You may test and see if this default implementation matches your needs, but it is provided as-is.

For different behavior you should implement your own IEvsAutoBrightnessController

Evs.instance().display().autoBrightness().setProvider(provider: AutoBrightnessGainProvider())
Evs.instance().display().autoBrightness().enable(isEnabled: true)

Learn about the Glasses Handling