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Development Resources

Our Resources

Developing application with the Maverick SDK is straightforward, and based on the standard mobile application environments.

On top of those standard tools, the Maverick SDK includes the following development resources:

Resource Description Location
SDK Documentation SDK Overview & User guide This portal 👀
SDK Repository GitHub repository contains the SDK libraries, tools, forums and issues management
Samples Repository GitHub repository contains open source samples for Android & iOS
API Reference Latest API reference API Reference
Maverick Apps Our released apps Maverick Apps


Development support is performed via our GitHub repository issues, F&Q and forums.

Other issues or enquiries, related to purchasing, technical, shipment or else - please contact our support at

Are you ready for your first app? Start here


  • Deep dive into the SDK functionality by reading the SDK Engine documentation
  • Learn how to create a better UI for the glasses by reading our UI Kit documentation


The Everysight Team