Constructor enables creating a stock font
Constructor enables creating a custom font
The font information will take extracted from the font fle name, is possible
Font file name example: Roboto-Bold.ttf.20x18.2bpp.sif
Roboto-Bold.ttf: free form font description
20x18: maxW x maxH
2bpp: 2 bit per pixel sif file
sif: the font binary format
the name of the font file (with extension)
the required available slot for the font
Constructor enables creating a custom font
The font information will take extracted from the font fle name, is possible The maxW & maxH parameter will be overridden by the maxW and maxH
the name of the font file (with extension)
the required available slot for the font
The width of the wider character within the font in pixels
The height of the highest character within the font in pixels
Constructor receiving font binary data
the font binary data
the font type
the required available slot for the font
The width of the wider character within the font in pixels
The height of the highest character within the font in pixels